Webinar High Grade NEN


Op 25 september 2024 organiseren de expertisegroep Gastro-Intestinale Pathologie (EGIP) en de expertisegroep Endocriene Pathologie (EEP) in samenwerking met de commissie Bij- en Nascholing (CBN) een webinar:

High grade neuroendocrine neoplasms of pancreas and digestive tract (GEP-NEN);
Why and how to make the difference between NET and NEC.

16.05NET grade 3 or NEC: How do I make the difference?Prof. Aurel Perren, Chair department of Pathology, University of Bern
16.40NET grade 3 or NEC: why is the difference important for me?Dr. Annemiek Walenkamp-Hageman, Oncoloog, UMCG
17.15Case discussion: 10 cases available with scoringsheet and cases of participants
17.45Wrap up